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Thinking to study in Romania?
One of the ultimate reasons to study abroad is to gain life experience. A whole new experience is waiting for the right decision! Stepping out of your comfort zone can become challenging, but the rewards could be very well worth it so get ready!

It is safe to say that today, more and more students choose to enrich their life experiences by studying abroad. What makes Romania a great place for you to study? Let us give you few tips:
Romania has one of the best Universities International Rankings;
all diplomas are internationally recognised;
the living cost is a one of the most affordable ones from whole Europe;
you will find incredible new foods, customs, traditions, and social atmospheres.
Admission for studying in Romania
In Romania, admission for all study programmes, including Medicine, Dentistry, Engineering or Veterinary Medicine requires the following:
For Bachelor Degree Programmes
- a high-school diploma (upper secondary education diploma);
For Master Degree Programmes
- a Bachelor Degree;
In some cases, you might need to pass an online interview. Entrance exams are pretty rare, most students receiving their acceptance letter to study in Romania, based on their admission file.
Romania's study programs span across 118 faculties and 5 teaching languages: English, German, French, Hungarian and, well - Romanian.
Duration of studies and number of credits
Bachelor studies in Romania
Duration of 3 to 5 years of study and a number of 180 – 240 credit points, 60 credit points/academic year. According to the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF/CEC) the graduate will be situated at level 6.
Master studies in Romania
Master studies in Romania are extended for maximum 2 years and provide 60 – 120 credit points/year. According to the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF/CEC) the graduate will be situated at level 7.
PhD studies in Romania
PhD studies in Romania end with a PhD diploma awarded immediately after writing a doctoral research thesis. They're situated at level 8 according to the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF/CEC).
Note that all the academic credits are given in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS/SECT).
Cost of studying in Romania
Don't think you can afford to study abroad? The low tuition fees and living costs make countries such as Romania the perfect choice for becoming an international student.
Most of the elite schools in Romania provide private education, foreign language classes, extracurricular activities and well-qualified teachers. Hedu Guide’s mission is to highlight everything you need to know about tuition fees. As well as other services like:
Admission & Enrolment Fee: 100 € up to 500 €;
Annual tuition fee EU: 2000 € up to 6000 €;
Annual tuition fee NON-EU: 2700 € up to 6000 €.
Costs of living in Romania
The cost of living in Romania might look attractive! It is a true fact that the living expenses are around 50% lower compared to other major Western cities like: Vienna, London, Berlin, Paris. An affordable living cost associated with a good education provided by world-class universities in Romania, is the best recipe for an incredible experience.
Monthly Accommodation ( 1 bedroom apartment) 150 – 450 €, (3 bedroom) 300 – 900 €;
Meal at a regular restaurant 5 to 15 €;
Internet (unlimited data, cable) 6 – 20 €;
SIM CARD with unlimited services 5 – 50 € (depending on the carrier).
Still not decided yet?
We know that it can be difficult to choose especially when it’s about changing your life. HEdu Guide is here to help you with everything you need so take a deep breath - we've got you covered.
With more than 50+ fields of study, we are sure that we've got you covered! We have everything from study programmes like Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Aerospace Engineering, Marine Engineering and Navigation to Computer Science and Information Technology.